This is a quick walkthrough to show you how to spin up a very small Kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud Platform (GCE) and then get access to the Kubernetes REST API.

Before you get started, you need to sign-in to Google Cloud Platform console and create a new project. If you don’t already have a Google Account, you can create one.

First, you need to download GCE’s command line interface gcloud. The easiest way to install and initialize gcloud is via the Quickstarts. You can stop after the Initialize the SDK section and continue with the instructions in this post.

Once you are done initializing gcloud, you can then use it to install Kubernetes command line interface kubectl:

gcloud components install kubectl

We’ll be using kubectl to get information about our Kubernetes cluster and set up a proxy to our Kubernetes API.

Next thing we need to do is to spin up our one node Kubernetes cluster:

gcloud container --project "my-project" clusters create "my-cluster" --zone "us-west1-a" --machine-type "f1-micro" --num-nodes "3" --disk-size "20" --username "admin" --password "password"


  • --project "my-project" is the name of the project you created above.
  • "my-cluster" is the name of your cluster
  • --zone "us-west1-a" is your cluster’s zone, see Regions and Zones for more information.
  • --machine-type "f1-micro" is the machine type, see Machine Types for more information.
  • --num-nodes "3" is the number of nodes to allocate for this cluster. Defaults to "3".
  • --disk-size "20" is the size of disk per node in GB. Defaults to "100".
  • --username "admin" is the username to use for cluster auth. Defaults to "admin".
  • --password "password" is the password to use for cluster auth. Defaults to a randomly-generated string.

Alternatively, you can add your cluster in the Google Container Engine console.

After a few minutes, our cluster should be up and running. To verify that it’s running, first get a list of your running clusters:

gcloud container clusters list

You should see my-cluster (or your own cluster name) on the list and it should have a status RUNNING.

Next, we need to configure kubectl command line access for your new cluster:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials my-cluster --zone us-west1-a --project my-project

Then start a proxy to connect to Kubernetes control plane:

kubectl proxy &

Now you can access Kubernetes’ Dashboard in your browser at:


And Kubernetes’ REST API at:


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